Police Internal Investigations

Complaints against police personnel are troublesome to any police chief or sheriff. Thoroughly conducted internal investigations can tie up staff for days or weeks. Improperly conducted, the municipality can incur financial loss, face sanctions, suffer embarrassment, and lose the public’s confidence.
How many times have we heard this from the public, “how can you trust the police to investigate their own”? Whether or not you agree with that statement, by utilizing an MSI private investigator who has law enforcement internal affairs experience, and who fully understands Garrity and Chapter 112, F.S., you can be assured that both internal matters and externally generated complaints will be conducted objectively in a manner that will gain the confidence of the public, ensure the subject officer is treated fairly, and identify when misconduct has occurred or vindicate the officer when he or she has done no wrong.
Written Investigative Report
The MSI investigator will prepare a final report describing the results of his or her investigation in detail. The report will be presented to the Chief or Sheriff of the law enforcement agency who contracted Midstate Security and Investigations, LLC.